SIGNALS - Schmith

Schmith - Tools for the demanding

Contact - Gdansk Office

General information on infringement notifications at Schmith Polska S.A.:

Schmith Polska S.A., in performance of its obligations set out in the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers of 14 June 2024 (Journal of Laws, item 928), adopted, by decision of the Board of Directors of 25.09.2024, the procedure for handling notifications of violations of law and proceedings in this regard (a link to an extract from the content of the applicable documents is provided below).

How you can report a breach to us:
If you ascertain that an infringement of the law has occurred in the course of the business activities of Schmith Polska S.A., you can make a notification using the following measures adopted by Schmith Polska S.A:
- in writing in a closed envelope marked "Signalist Application" sent to: Schmith Polska S.A. 489 Kartuska St., 80-298 Gdansk - we kindly ask that the envelope be sealed and described as above;
- at the e-mail address:
and if any of the above avenues is not available or seems too complicated
- using the dedicated form available here [link].
The report should contain at least the following information: a detailed description of the reported violation of law; evidence to support the report (if available); name, surname, contact details for feedback. Schmith Polska S.A. does not accept reports made by telephone or anonymously and, to the extent permitted by law, undertakes to keep the reported data confidential. By submitting your application, you accept the application procedure and the rules of processing personal data for the purpose of processing your application.

Rules in force:
As a whistleblower, you are subject to the protection of the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers from the moment you make your report and our company is legally prohibited from retaliating against anyone who has made a report. If you have made a report, the following documents and rules also apply: procedure for the receipt of internal reports of violations of law from whistleblowers at Schmith Polska S.A. in force as of 25.09.2024 (extract) here, data protection confidentiality rules and information clauses are available here.

Who investigates the application and takes investigative action:
Schmith Polska S.A. has appointed a commission to handle the above notifications (commission office: Schmith Polska S.A. ul. Kartuska 489, 80-298 Gdańsk), whose members have been obliged to maintain confidentiality, including the whistleblower's personal data, unless the whistleblower consents to their disclosure. The obligation to obtain the whistleblower's consent to disclose his or her identity does not apply if such disclosure is a necessary and proportionate obligation arising from the law in connection with investigations conducted by public authorities or pre-trial or court proceedings conducted by courts, including in order to guarantee the right of defence of the reported person.

How long does it take:
You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 7 days of receipt. If your application does not contain the necessary information, we may leave it unprocessed or ask you to complete it, provided that your contact details are included in the application. We will provide you with final feedback within a maximum of 3 months from the date of receipt of your application and, where justified, within a maximum of 6 months from the date of receipt. We will inform you if we withdraw our follow-up action, stating our reasons. We will also inform you of the final outcome of our follow-up to your notification.

Information on the possibility of reporting a violation of civil rights to the Ombudsman or other public authority whose jurisdiction includes taking appropriate follow-up action on the subject of the report.

We would also like to inform you that in matters concerning violation of the rights specified in the provisions of the Act of 14 June 2024 on the protection of whistleblowers (Journal of Laws, item 928), it is also possible to make an external report, i.e. directly to the Ombudsman or to another public body whose jurisdiction includes taking appropriate follow-up actions covering the subject of the report. The Ombudsman can be contacted by anyone who believes that his or her rights have been violated by the state, that he or she is being treated unequally. Citizens' Information Line: 800 676 676, e-mail, Correspondence address: the Office of the Ombudsman, al. Solidarności 77, 00-090 Warsaw. Where appropriate, external reporting may also be made to European Union institutions, bodies or organisational units.

We accept that, according to the principle of good faith, any person should be able to report a wrongdoing if there are reasonable grounds on their part to believe that the information provided is true. Please note, however, that a whistleblowing report should only be made in good faith and that knowingly making a false whistleblowing report is prohibited.


PROCEDURE - click here

DECISION - click here